Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Dead Birds in Austin

That last post was boring. I gotta say something interesting or I'll lose my one loyal reader. So...

Yesterday on Commerce Avenue in Austin 60 birds fell out of the sky, dead.

Got your attention? Good, cause that's all I've got. They don't know why yet, and they say there's no horrible bird-borne diseases out there, but it certainly seems like some seriously bad mojo.

Since that wasn't really so very interesting, here's a poem I'm about to write...well, now that you're reading it it has been written...but at the moment, this moment, I am just as anxious to read it as you...

Song of an Emo Bird

A bird above in circles flies
catches the breeze and wipes its eyes
thinks of other birdies woes
their lack of fins and hairy toes
It's all too much for our birdie friend
he knows the gloom has got to end
To die alone would be even sadder
so he laces worms with poison matter
Throws a hip black tie affair
for all to eat and drink, mid-air
And when they're drunk and hip and fed
They circle round and all drop dead

Hah! That explains everything. (I'm such a dork)


Amber said...

I think they're death had something to do with last season's Real World. They died of embarrassment.

Hannihaus said...

Ha ha! "I'm so sad." Ha ha!