Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Land of the Lost

So, if this blog exists for my lifetime and I live for 70 more years...I could potentially have over NINETY posts!!!

Really, it's unacceptable that I go so long between stories. I love to write, ridiculous things happen to me, and I have an enormous imaginary audience. (Do you remember when sitcoms used to start with "this episode was filmed before a live studio audience"?)

I've been on two family vacations (Minnesota and Arizona) since my last post, and while I don't feel the need to go into intricate detail... let's just say lots of boxed wine and fake mustaches were involved. Summer is around the corner, and I will surely have some gems to share soon.

As for today, this is a post about nothing. After all, Seinfeld has always been my favorite sitcom (even if it did have a laugh track).