Saturday, July 7, 2007

Skipping Is Fun

Forget about April through June. I'm skipping them. Nothing much happened...I went to school...I gained more pounds...I loved Boy know, the usual.

Maybe this is the beginning of my newly found dedication to this extra-cool website. Or maybe I'm just procrastinating again. Homework schomework- I'd rather have a beer.

Speaking of delicious bubbly brewskies, I am happy to announce the conclusion of my very first genuine BENDER! Holy crap, my family. We are a merry bunch, a laughing giggling kissing singing bunch. We can have fun in almost any situation. And when we're all together...we're a bunch of frikkin' alcis.

It would be a bit too hard to go into detail. As my friend Inigo Montoya would say, "No, there is too much. Let me sum up."

1. Chugging Taylor's whiskey is a bad idea.
2. Naked pillow fights are a good idea.
3. Sometimes it's OK to tell secrets.
4. Cameras tell all, and sometimes you're the one who's caught by the lens.
5. Every good cousin deserves a good nickname (T-diddy, Z-kitty, S-train, K-monkey, Big E, J-goat, Sha-na-na-na-na...)
6. It is possible to swim around an island with no water.
7. It is possible to skinny dip on the 4th of July in the middle of a boat-filled lake under the fireworks...without getting arrested.
8. No matter how cute the tiny beer mug is, rootbeer schnapps is not a good idea.
9. Tattooed people are fun to read. Captain Morgan's Tattoo is even more fun to drink.
10. We found Neutron Cow's other boobie.

That's enough for now. I should either get to work or go to sleep. Maybe I'll add to Inigo's list later (with pictures? Wouldn't you just love that...)

Until next time my loves

1 comment:

Amber said...

the inigo is smart. and you now cannot blame me for your alci habits. It's obviously genetic and family induced. You can't lie - I saw the naked pics of your family.